Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Summary of World Conference on Open and Distance Learning

"Pendidikan gratis kalau yang di cari ilmu (banyak di Internet); Pendidikan mahal kalau yang di cari sertifikat, ijazah, akreditasi"
~Onno W. Purbo, Ph.D.~

+ open distance learning
+ opal initiatives
+ open educational resources
+ olnet evidence hub
+ open learning initiatives
+ open education

The theme of the 24th ICDE World Conference is “Expanding Horizons – New Approaches to Open and Distance Learning”. This conference provides a forum for sharing of ideas on redefining the roles and strategies of ODL in promoting cross-nation human capacity building. The conference discusses issues and challenges for ODL under the following sub-themes:

ODL and human capacity building
ODL in a changing world
Quality and ODL – the way forward
Management and strategic development of ODL
Open Educational Resources (OER) in a global world
International development and distance learning

The 24th ICDE World Conference features 6 keynote speeches, 216 paper presentations in 6 parallel sessions, and about 67 posters.


The conference will be attended by distinguished speakers and world class educational experts in the field of open and distance learning (ODL).

Keynote Speakers

Mohammad Nuh, Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia
Hal Plotkin, Senior Policy Advisor to U.S. Under Secretary of Education, United States
Duk Hoon Kwak, President and CEO of Educational Broadcast Service (EBS), Korea
Lawrence Lessig, Lawyer, Activist and Founder of Creative Commons, USA
Rory McGreal, Vice President Research, Athabasca University, Canada
Gráinne Conole, Professor of learning innovation/Director of BDRA, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Discussion Panelists

Onno W. Purbo, IT Expert and Activist, Indonesia
Naveed M. Malik, Rector of Virtual University of Pakistan, Pakistan
Barney Pityana, Former Principal and Vice Chancellor of UNISA, South Africa
Manfred Antoni, Senior Publisher in the German Klett Verlag
Claudio Rama, Director of the Observatory of Virtual Education in Latin America (Virtual Educa), Uruguay
Liu Dailin, Director of the Supervisory Committee, Open University of China, China
Jens Uwe Korten, Pro Vice Chancellor of Lillehammer University College, Norway
Stavros Xanthopoylos, Dean of FGV Online – Distance Education Unit at Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil

24th ICDE World Conference Highlights

Earlier this month ICDE held its 24th biennial world conference on the exotic island of Bali, Indonesia. Hosted by ICDE member institution Universitas Terbuka, the 24th ICDE World Conference addressed new approaches to open and distance learning. ICDE extends warm thanks to the staff of Universitas Terbuka who did a commendable job, ensuring the success of the conference.

Over 600 delegates, representing 49 countries, were in attendance at the 24th ICDE World Conference on Open and Distance Education, held 2-5 October 2011 on Bali, Indonesia.
Opened by the Indonesian Minister of National Education Muhammad Nuh, the 24th ICDE World Conference featured a range of internationally respected keynote speakers whose presentations were streamed live during the event.

Among those who presented were Duk Hoon Kwak, President and CEO of Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Korea; Rory McGreal, Associate Vice-President Research, Athabasca University, Canada; Gráinne Conole, Head of e-Learning at the University of Leicester, UK;Lawrence Lessig, lawyer, activist and founder of Creative Commons, US; and Hal Plotkin, Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of the Under Secretary of Education, United States Department of Education.


A tentative list of proceedings is now available on the conference website. Further photos, videos and a longer conference report will be made available during October.

24th ICDE World Conference Fellowship Programme

16 delegates representing a broad spread of regions, research interests, and gender balance received sponsorship to take part in the conference following the generosity of member institutions which contributed to the 24th ICDE World Conference Fellowship Programme. Sponsoring organisations can be found here.

Host of 25th ICDE World Conference in 2013

It was announced during the closing session of the conference that the host of the 25th ICDE World Conference on Open and Distance Learning in 2013 will be Tianjin Open University, China.


1. http://www.ut.ac.id/icde2011
2. http://vid4edu.info:82/paper/index.php/icde/2011/schedConf/presentations
3. http://burns.idium.net/icde.org/en/ 

Semangat Semoga Bermanfaat

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Efektifitas Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi serta Peran Serta Masyarakat Terbuka

"Semoga tetap bermanfaat walau hanya seorang rakyat biasa"

~Onno W. Purbo, M.Sc., Ph.D.~

Thanks to:

1. Wawan Nurwana, S.Pd. (SDN 3 Bangunharja, Universitas Terbuka Indonesia)
2. Tining Sri Wahyu Dewi (My Mother who always give me spirits. Cita-cita kecilnya ingin menjadi seorang guru sekolah dasar)
3. Susi Susilawati (My aunt, Universitas Terbuka Indonesia)

Semua Guru-guru dan teman-temanku ketika taman Kanak-kanak hingga Sekolah Dasar.

Ua Ellah, Ni Lilis, Ua Teti, Ua Kalwan, Ua Ustadz Muhaemin, Ua Tata, Ibu Edah, Ua Ika dan semuanya.

Paman dan bibiku:

Yusuf Kurniawan, S.Pd. & Hikmah, S.Pd.

Bpk. Munir, M.IT., Ph.D.

(Computer Science Lecturer @Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

The role and the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Learners Support Services in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a proven fact now. The distance education system responded positively and quickly to the revolution in ICT.

It is because of three reasons the need to reduce the cost of imparting education, to introduce need based educational programmes to a large number of people and to reduce time required for sanctioning new programmes by adopting new flexible nature of administration.

ICT is a major factor in shaping the new global economy and producing rapid changes in society. Within the past decade, the new ICT tools have fundamentally changed the way people communicate and do business. They have produced significant transformations in industry, agriculture, medicine, business, engineering and other fields. They also have the potential to transform the nature of education where and how learning takes place, and the roles of students and teachers in the learning process.

Embedding ICT in teaching-learning process is a major initiative in all branches of education; ICT has a particularly important role to play in developing provision for bilingual learners. This is concerned with exploring new ways of working with bilingual learners as well as facilitating more established techniques. The increased use of ICT to deliver and enhance aspects of educational provision is now an emerging practice for all learners belonging to rural and geographically remote and mainly monolingual areas thus having advantages in overcoming geographical barriers.

For example video conferencing facilities developed to enable isolated learners to share learning with others in remote areas can also be used to reduce linguistic isolation by allowing same first language learners to discuss and communicate remotely.

Learners Support Services are an important part of Distance Educational system. Since the learners in ODL system are not directly involved in the regular classroom teaching-learning process having direct interaction with the teachers regularly, they are provided with adequate Learners Support Services.

Such support services include the pre-admission counselling, admission process, provision of study materials both in print media and audio visual forms, subject specific academic counselling, audio visual viewing facilities, participation in teleconferencing, ICT facilities for e-learning, library services, laboratory support facilities, academic career guidance, information services related to rules, regulations, procedures, schedules etc.

The role of ICT to speed up the delivery of the support services has now become inevitable for the distant learners. It also considers the shift from mass produced generic resources to tailored, personalised support and communications and sets this in the context of globalisation of the economy and the changing expectations of students as 'consumers.'

ICT and Learner Support

Distance and open education schemes that have until recently relied mainly on the mailing of written materials, videos, cassette recordings, and radio or TV broadcasting techniques can be augmented, enhanced or replaced by new on-line tools and technologies which have the power to transform the learning environment.

Technological developments are coming together which offer the following benefits:

Through the Internet and worldwide web, new and enlarged sources of information and knowledge that offer teachers and students opportunities for self-development as well as benefits from incorporation into classroom environments.

Through e-mail and other Internet related feedback mechanisms, greater opportunity to reduce the isolation and time delay associated with distance education.

Through the extraordinary pace of software development, enriched teaching and learning with enhanced graphics, interaction, animation and visualisation.

Through lowering telecommunications bandwidth costs and emergence of enhanced cable, wireless and satellite systems, greater opportunities for basic access, video conferencing, on-line interactivelearning, and live interaction with the central place of a distance education programme.

Through community access schemes, more potential to make the benefits of distance education eventually available to lower income people and rural communities.

Sound pedagogical principles would increasingly dictate the need for a more interactive learning environment which was earlier difficult to achieve and also adds considerably to the remotest areas. But it was noted that its deployment requires expensive satellite resources as well as an expensive face-to-face lecture and broadcast system running in parallel.

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) satellite systems are increasingly seen as a powerful distribution mechanism for Internet based resources, with ready access to interactive learning tools and e-mail, especially when linked or packaged with key educational web-site sources, servers and services. VSATs can overcome many of the bandwidth/delivery speed, limitations of terrestrial systems, particularly in developing countries, and can be especially economic when deployed in an asymmetric multi-casting mode in which high-speed 'downlink' capability is combined with slower speed 'uplinking.'

These features and the emerges the need of specially designed Distance Education network management and learner software packages of ICTs in distance education especially in the developing world.

The use of ICT in distance education actually depends on at least five factors.

These are:

Geographical size and situation: Large countries with dispersed people and communities have an additional drive or motivation to use communications to deliver educational services cost-effectively.

Policy on Telecommunications: 

The Internet, IT and Education, Privatisation and Liberalisation of telecommunications and the Internet are improving quality, lowering costs and accelerating innovation around the world. Education policy is often the key to raising awareness and providing leadership in educational use of ICTs.

Population and market size: Small markets attract fewer investors and less competition, and offer fewer economies of scale which would lead to price reduction, while regional schemes can overcome that, aggregate market size and achieve scale economies.

Per Capita Means: 

To address start-up investment challenges and the market affordability to attract commercial players to ease the way to change and growth.

Perceived educational or developmental needs: 

These can relate to educational delivery challenges due to geographic or cultural isolation, or appreciation for the more systematic challenges - such as adapting to the demands of the information economy which can only be seriously addressed with ICTs.

Written by:

Trisha Dowerah Baruah and Krishna Kanta Handique

Applied By:

Arip Nurahman at West Java Province. Indonesia

Indonesia University of Education
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University

Semangat Semoga Bermanfaat 

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

International Development and Distance learning

International development and distance learning

Student Learning and National Economic Development: Evidences from TIMSS 1999, 2003, and 2007PDF
Fang-Shen Chiang, Yi-Fang Lee
A Study of the Effectiveness of Using Social Networking Sites in Online Collaborative Projects.PDF
Luh Putu Putrini Mahadewi, Diane Hamilton-Hancock, Leaunda S. Hemphill
A Generic Serious Games Shell for Diversifying Distance-Learning MethodsPDF
Louise Sauve, Sylvain Sénécal, David Kaufman, Lise Renaud
A study on scaffolding framework for wiki based collaborative knowledge buildingPDF
Li Shuang, Shi Pengfeng, Liu Lu
Blended professional learning: possibilities for a way forwardDOCX
Jennifer Elsden-Clifton, Kathy Jordan
Designing the CloudBoard: an innovative tool for collaborative e-learning environments using HTML5DOCX
William Jobe, Stefan Nilsson
Investigating fibre-optic technology in AfricaPDF
Mutuota Kigotho
Jose Dutra Dutra Oliveira
Open and Distance Education, Challanges ans IssuesPDF
zahra arabi
Open and distance technical and vocational education and training (TVET): Poor relation or knight in shining armour?PDF
Terry Neal
The principle of e-Learning Curriculum Design in Adult EducationPDF
Li Song
Centered on professional person education for the study and practice of higher vocational educationPDF
Guo Qingchun
Access and Information Student Service Development Using Open Source Based SoftwarePDF
Siti Samsiyah, Lilik Aslichati
Discussion forums: relevance lost?DOC
Marcia Lygia Ribeiro de Souza Casarin, Elenise Maria Araujo, Jose Dutra Oliveira Neto
The Implementation of Online Tutorial for Language Courses at Universitas TerbukaDOC
Ratih Kusumastuti
Arbayah Kumalawati
Keeping Children Safe from Harm – a global responsibilityDOCX
Marie Rydén Davoust, Srinath Tirumale Venugopal, Anne Whiteford
Internet-based Distance Learning Examination for Four thousand SubdistrictsXML
Ichwan Ridwan Tandjung, Agustina Wardani, Dian Mentari Ramadita, Sofa Nur Kamama, Idaman Idaman


Universitas Terbuka

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Open and Distance Learning in a Changing World

"Sambungkan 220.000 sekolah ke Internet, sambungan 46.5 juta anak muda Indonesia ke Internet, minimalisir konten negatifnya"
~Onno W. Purbo, Ph.D.~

Keynote speakers on ODL in a Changing World

The 24th ICDE World Conference, which held on the island of Bali, Indonesia, 2-5 October address new approaches to open and distance learning (ODL). Day two will open with presentations from Lawrence Lessig and Duk Hoon Kwak on the questions of ownership versus open source, and content sharing in relation to open and distance learning.

Prof. Lawrence Lessig

Roy L. Furman Professor of Law, Harvard Law School and Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University

Lawrence Lessig is the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, and director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. Prior to rejoining the Harvard faculty, Lessig was a professor at Stanford Law School, where he founded the school’s Center for Internet and Society, and at the University of Chicago. He clerked for Judge Richard Posner on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and Justice Antonin Scalia on the United States Supreme Court.

Lessig serves on the Board of Creative Commons, MAPLight, Brave New Film Foundation, The American Academy, Berlin, AXA Research Fund and iCommons.org, and on the the advisory board of the Sunlight Foundation. He is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Association, and has received numerous awards, including the Free Software Foundation’s Freedom Award, Fastcase 50 Award and being named one of Scientific American’s Top 50 Visionaries.

Lessig holds a BA in economics and a BS in management from the University of Pennsylvania, an MA in philosophy from Cambridge University, and a J.D. from Yale University.


Duk Hoon Kwak is currently President and CEO of the Korea Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), a public television network dedicated to education with emphasis on lifelong public education. An influential expert in the area of e-Learning, Professor Kwak also serves as the Chair of both the Society of e-Learning and the Smart Learning Forum in Korea, and is a professor at ICDE member institution, the Korea National Open University (KNOU).
Professor Kwak was previously President of the Korea Education & Research Information Service (KERIS), and Chair of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 Korea, an organization working towards the development of international standards for e-Learning. As a leading figure in education in Korea, Dr Kwak acts as an advisor to the Korean government on education related policies.

Professor Kwak has also conducted extensive research related to distance learning, with particular focus on the use of e-Learning in contemporary education.

Semoga Bermanfaat

