
Al-Irsyad Satya Islamic School terletak di Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang - Bandung, sebuah kota mandiri yang mempunyai tema sebagai kota pendidikan.
Dengan visi sebagai sebuah kota mandiri yang berwawasan pendidikan, Kota Baru Parahyangan dibangun dengan penuh kesadaran untuk mengembangkan segala aspek pendidikan baik formal maupun non-formal yang diintegrasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di dalam kota tersebut.
Dalam setiap cluster di Kota Baru Parahyangan terdapat taman yang mempunyai tema berbeda, seperti teknologi, astronomi, kebudayaan, geografi, matematika dan lain-lain, yang dapat merangsang akal dan pikiran anak-anak kita yang jiwanya sedang dalam tahap perkembangan melalui proses pembelajaran yang dialaminya.
Sebagai kota ilmu pengetahuan, Kota Baru Parahyangan telah membuat suatu `Landmark` (monumen pengenal) berupa `sundial` (penujuk waktu berdasarkan kedudukan matahari) yang besar. Pelajar-pelajar dari berbagai kota telah berkunjung ke tempat ini sebagai bagian dari widya-wisata mereka.
Kota Baru Parahyangan berketetapan hati untuk menyediakan pendidikan berkwalitas terwujud dengan banyaknya lembaga-lembaga pendidikan yang bermitra dengan lembaga-lembaga internasional di tempat itu. Al-Irsyad Satya merasa bangga menjadi salah satu dari lembaga pendidikan seperti tersebut diatas yang berada di situ.
`Untuk membesarkan seorang anak, diperlukan tenaga manusia dari seluruh desa`
( Peribahasa Africa )
Pilihan Utama dalam Pendidikan yang Berasas Islami
Setiap Anak Mempunyai Kemampuan
Kekuatan dan kehormatan
Nilai nilai bersama
(Iman) Bertaqwa: (Ihsan) Berperikemanusiaan: (Itqan) Berusaha yang baik
Hasil akhir yang diinginkan:
(Khalifah Fil-Ard)
* Mengagungkan Allah dengan syiar ajaran Islam
* Mencintai Rasullullah dengan mencontoh dan menegakkan moralitas pada karakternya
* Pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang terkandung di dalam Al Qur`an
* Berusaha untuk menyamai bahkan melebihi keahlian orang dan keinginan untuk terus menggali ilmu pengetahuan
* Mempunyai semangat dalam berinovasi dan kewirausahaan
* Berkeinginan untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang beriman dengan
* cara berbakti kepada nusa, bangsa dan negara
Vision, Philosophy, Motto, and Shared Value
First Choice in Islamic Education
Every Child Can
Strenght and Honour
Gon Concious - People Centered - Exellence DrivenCurriculum
Curriculum Al-Irsyad Satya
To ensure academic quality of Al Irsyad Satya Islamic School, our students will follow international level tests organized by University of Cambridge international Examination (CIE). The tests comprise Cambridge International Primary Programme (CIPP) for Primary Level and International General Certificate for Secondary Education (IGCSE) for Secondary 4. In Preschool level, we apply integrative curriculum combining playing and learning aspects so that students will be ready to be involved in lessons in the next level without ruining their childhood.
In preparing students for the tests, we use highly recommended English, Science, Mathematics books that meet standards of CIE as well as Singapore curriculums. The subjects together with Islamic studies are introduced in English so that students are used to speaking in English as the international language.
To establish international level education management and curriculum of the school, we work with Madrasah Al Irsyad Al Islamiyah Singapore, a school institution that is experienced in school management, Islamic studies, and English, Science, and Mathematics lessons. However, we still refer to Department of Education of Indonesia especially concerning Indonesian Studies lessons and local content subjects such as PKn and Sundanese languange. This is to guarantee that Al Irsyad Students love local culture and posse strong nationalism in addition to good religious aspect and international standard.
We always innovate in providing specific supportive programmes outside in classrooms learning to enhance students’ skills in relation to their ability and talent. The supportive programmes are:
- Remediation, a programme to help students who face difficulties in coping with particular lessons in class;
- Extra Class, a programme to help re-learn for particular topic;
- Enrichment, a special programme for students who have high achievement in order to accelerate their skills and gain more knowledge;
- Bridging Programme, a programme which is designed to bridge students to higher level of their academic competence;
- Qur'anic Accelerated Programme, a programme to accelerate students’ capability of reading and understanding Al Qur’an. The programme is designed based on perception that Al Qur’an is the best resource for life and knowledge of Muslims including Al Irsyad students;
- Learning Journey & Field Trip, a programme to encourage students to enrich their experiences and learn authentic problems within fun activities;
- Buzz Blast Off (BBO) Agents, a programme that is specially designed to enhance selected students’ English skills;
- Commemoration programmes are incidental events to promote students’ awareness of Islamic events and national events;
- Contests and Competitions programme helps prepare students for participation thus cultivates self-confidence and the mastery of content;
- Orientation programmes are annually done to induct students at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of the next educational level;
- Co-Curricular, selective programmes for students to enhance their particular skills.
· Associated with the Masjid Raya
· School building specifically designed to achieve optimum impact on the students learning experience
· Playground and sport fields avalaible
· Internet connection anywhere within school
· Interactive teaching room
· A school library, computer and science laboratories
· Spacious classrooms
· Access to sport facilities at Masion Pine Hotel include swimming pool and badminton
· Art and cultural education facilities
· School transportation available
Indri Rini Andriani
Vice Principal Pre-School:
Asri Rosmasari
Vice Principal Primary:
Sofi Yuspita
Vice Principal Secondary:
Dendi Ruswandi
Vice Principal Pre-University:
Indri Rini Andriani
Manager of Administration and Finance:
Rima Surya Lembana
Teacher & Staff
As a learning society, all parties connected to the education in Al-Irsyad Satya should possess a vision and commitment to create an educative school culture and respect each profession. Regardless the type and the job to do, all teachers and staff must have competence and responsibility to support the student’s success. Because all learning processes will always involve many parties, partnership, interdependency, and synergy process must be maintained and enhanced. Everybody is teachers and at the same time students because education is a never- ending living agenda and everybody needs to be humble and respect differences and advantages of others. We have to be able to learn from somebody’s experience; advantages and disadvantages, success and failure. Thus, Al-Irsyad Satya Education presents such programs as dialog, training, and reflection. Attendance, participation, and suggestion from expert are highly appreciated to develop the quality of Al-Irsyad Satya Education.
* Age appropriate opportunities for social, cognitive, emotional and moral development
* Enriching Islamic environment
* Freedom, opportunity and ecouragement towards developing responsibility, self control and independence while maintaining respect for adults.
Understanding Young Children's Characteristics and Development
* Cognitive
* Language
* Emotional and Social
* Physical
* Art
Al Irsyad will take a thematic approach to learning. Different themes appropriate to the different levels will be develop.
* Holistic development and learning
* Integrated learning
* Value based learning
* Active learning
* Supporting learning
* Interactive learning
* Learning through play
* Child centred activities
* Positive and loving learning climate
* Thoghtfully prepared learning environment
* Purposefully, planned activities
* Carefully chosen and designed resources
* Observation and monitoring of children's development
* Role modeling of Islamic values
* Parents inform school method of learning the child has been exposed to : example Iqra'
* Quran recital teacher takes note and uses the same book and method
* Each child is assessed at every level ; before, during and after
* Monthly written record and feedback will be given to parents
* Leading class projects
* Daily monitor/leadre to assist class activities
* Opportunities to perform in functions and events
* Opportunities for individual oral presentation.
* Assessment and curriculum are integrated; with teachers continually engaging in obeservational assessement
* The form of assessments includes portofolios of art and craft work, records of activities related to the theme, projects, teacher observations.