The Cambridge Primary curriculum framework provides an optional testing structure - to assess learner performance and report progress to learners and parents. Cambridge Primary assessment gives parents extra trust in feedback on their child's progress - by using internationally benchmarked tests.
There are two assessment options within the Cambridge Primary stage:
The Cambridge Primary testing structure enables teachers to:
- track the progress of their learners
- identify strengths and weaknesses within individuals and class groups
- develop further teaching and learning support using information from test results
- use test results to report to parents
- provide learners with a Statement of Achievement at the end of their primary schooling
The tests comprise structured questions with a selection of item types, including multiple choice, matching, short answer and long answer.
Cambridge Primary progression tests
Cambridge Primary progression tests provide valid internal assessment of knowledge and skills in English and Mathematics. The tests:
- are available for each year of primary education
- are optional (schools can choose any quantity of tests to take or just follow the curriculum without testing at all)
- can be used at any point during the year and as many times as the teacher requires
- are culturally sensitive without being culture-free, which makes them ideal for use in the international school context
- comprise structured questions with a selection of item types including matching, short answer and longer answers
- are marked by teachers in your school; full mark schemes and marking guidance are provided for this
Analysis tool software is part of Cambridge Primary. This software enables teachers to track student progress and to produce diagnostic feedback, enabling comparison between individuals and between groups of learners, and facilitating the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups.
The tests are freely available on the Cambridge Primary teacher support website and teachers can download them and make as many copies as they wish for internal school use. The papers will be renewed on a rolling basis. Test booklets also can be purchased through our publications department.
Cambridge Primary Achievement Tests
Cambridge Primary Achievement Tests are for learners at the end of their final year of primary education. The tests are available in three core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science, and:
- are marked by teachers
- are moderated by CIE
- provide learners with a Statement of Achievement
- can be taken at any point within a fixed period of time
- are available in June and November each year
Sample paper: English (210Kb)
Sample questions: Mathematics (88Kb)
Sample questions: Science (117Kb)
Cambridge International Education
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