Jumat, 18 November 2011

Management and strategic development of Open and Distance Learning Part II

Management and strategic development of ODL

Strategizing Open and Distance Learning to Enhance Inclusiveness in Higher EducationPDF
Yasmin .
Toward World Class University: How Universitas Terbuka (UT) Managing Organizational Change to Increase Accessibility, Quality, and Continuous ImprovementDOC
Agus Joko Purwanto
Transformed situated agency: a vision for student counselling in ODLDOC
Willem Van Schoor
Consortium Building - The Power of Strategic AllianceDOC
Janet Paterson-Weir, Tricia Donovan
The Motivation Strategies for Learning of Postgraduate Distance Education StudentsDOC
Sheila Reyes Bonito, Rita Cui Ramos
e-Learning at the National Open University of Nigeria: incremental small steps, or a brave leap to the cloud?DOC
Alexander Romiszowski
Students’ Perception on the Quality of Service of Universitas Terbuka Online Bookstore as a Distribution System of Learning MaterialPDF
Making Regulation Work for Global Learning CommunitiesDOC
Maria Fe Villamejor-Mendoza
Analysis of Determinant Factors Affecting the Quality of Online Tutorials for Distance Students at Universitas Terbuka, IndonesiaPDF
Maya Maria, Ginta Ginting, Aminudin Zuhairi, Kurnia Endah Riana
Effects of Source and Level of Conflict on Employee Performance at Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia ( A Study on Three Units of Distance Learning University)DOC PPT
heriyanni Mashithoh, Andi Sylvana, Yun Iswanto
Face The Book With Facebook; The Use of Facebook as Library’s Tool and Open Educational ResourceDOCX
yasir Riady
Monitoring strategical information for distance learning management in national levelDOCX
Raphael Augusto Teixeira De Aguiar, Alessandra Dahmer, Lina Sandra Barreto Brasil, Ana Emília Figueiredo De Oliveira, Heider Maciel
Face-to-face tutorials service for a large number of distance education students at Universitas Terbuka’ (UT) regional office , IndonesiaXML
Dina thaib
Increasing students' activities and independent learning level through exploratory discussion method based on projectsPDF
Tri Dyah Prastiti, Jackson Pasini Mairing

The Evaluation of Interactive Video Program Of Marketing Management CourseUNTITLED PPT
MUHAMMAD MUZAMMIL, Meirani Harsasi, Heriyanni Mashithoh


Universitas Terbuka

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