Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Open and Distance Learning and human capacity building Part I

ODL and human capacity building

Preparing Students for e-Learnig through Digital Literacy TrainingDOCX
Makiko MIWA, Hideaki Takahashi, Emi Nishina, Yoko Hirose, Yoshitomo Yaginuma, Akemi Kawafuchi, Toshio Akimitsu
The case of the Open University of the Brazilian Public Health System (UNA-SUS): collaborative networks of open and distance education for the qualification of Brazilian public health workforcePDF
Lina Sandra Barreto Brasil, Carlos Alberto Pereira de Oliveira, Vinícius de Araújo Oliveira
Access Expansion for Disabled in Long Distance Learning of Open UniversityPDF
Hernawaty Damanik
Assessment of BMO capacity building programme for NRENs in SubSaharan AfricaDOCX
Ashraf Patel
Analyzing the Use of Hyper-personal Communication in graduate’s counseling process in Open Distance Learning MethodsPDF
Sri Sediyaningsih
Prior Learning International Research CentrePDF
Christine Wihak, Judith Anne Harris
Joane Serrano
New Approaches to Open and Distance Learning for Effective Human Capacity Building: A Case Study of On-the-Job Training for Teachers in the Rural Areas of the PhilippinesPDF
Melinda dela Pena-Bandalaria
Empowering various deprived segments in the society through customized academic programmes: A novel approach by YCMOU, India.DOC
Sanjivani Rajesh Mahale, Sunanda Arun More
Encouraging Teachers’ Professional Development through Open and Distance LearningDOC
IG.A.K Wardani, Siti Julaeha
Enhancing human potential of the defence and paramilitary personnel in India through ODLDOC
Krishnakumar R, Anuradha Anil Deshmukh
Enhancing investigative skills via e-portals with capacity building activities: A within-case analysis of secondary students participated in Problem-Based Learning via ICTPDF
K T Ng
Expanding educational opportunities through place-based learning in teacher educationDOC
Alison Elliott, Brenda Keenan
Attractiveness to Become UT’s TutorDOCX
Sugilar --
Implementation of character building in Distance Learning at Universitas TerbukaDOC
Rusijono Rusijono

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